Sunday, February 21, 2010

Easier this time but next time skip IHOP

So my second hike in ten years was definitely easier than the first. However, I did learn some important lessons.

First, I need new boots like Robin Williams needs a new shtick. The loaner pair Joe lent me are fine for the up but are murder on the down. They are half a size too small and my toes are getting rocked. My fancy new hiking socks got all nice and bloody, not enjoyable to feel or look at. All around a bad time (I french fried when I should have pizzaed).

Second, skip the double daily vitamin with energy and go with one. Centrum has great multi-vitamins that are "Energy" enhanced. All that means is that they have caffeine and other Red Bull-esque additives. On a regular one-a-day regimen they're not all that bad but at 7am on an empty stomach dosing yourself with two and a large coffee then hitting the trail is a terrible, terrible idea. Again"pizaaaaaaaaaaa....crash"

Thirdly and most important. No matter how early we start and end, NO MORE IHOP. We decided, being that it was Sunday in Issaquah and most good breakfast places would be packed, to dine at the cathedral to pancakes. Nothing could have been a worse plan. Now I feel like I have a monster College level hang-over without the benefit of having gotten drunk the night before. Everything about our plan was bad from the beginning. We ate at Ihop, got the cheapest breakfasts, then to top it all off, had a pancake refill. If I vomit later I deserve it.

All in all, much better experience than last week and I'm looking forward to next. Right now we're planning a "less elevation, more weight" hike. But who knows our plans change faster than IHOP moves through the digestive tract.


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