Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My first hike in ten years

After fighting my way up that first hike I have officially decided that my next adventure will be to create a time machine to go back ten years and tell myself not to stop walking and drive everywhere. Really, early thirties Sean just wants to tell early twenties Sean to stop being such a dumbass and abusing himself with bad habits.
As Joe has alluded to, finishing the first hike was a big step for me. I have had no significant aerobic exercise in over a decade and was seriously considering giving up about a mile in. But I cannot take all the credit for my minor success, John and Joe really pushed me and made sure I didn't quit. You couldn't ask for a better pair of pals for this adventure.

Probably my biggest frustration with how fantastically out of shape I am is that I used to hike quite a bit. The summer of 1995 through around 2000 my brother Mike and I did annual hikes of the Cascades and Olympic mountains. We even had fancy new packs and Thermarests. But around the time I graduated college in June of 2000, it all stopped. I moved to Ireland and began a decade of beer consumption that would have killed a smaller man. But that ends now (not the beer all together, it is delicious after all).

So here we go, I will attempt to post after every hike we make from here until the grand departure and let all you out there in the interwebs how it's going.


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